Research Publications
Research on applications of near-optimal quantum simulation algorithms to high-energy physics, HEP-QIS group, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, [1, 2, 3, 4].
Research on quantum simulation of QFT in the Front Form [5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
under the supervision of Professor Peter J. Love, 2018 — 2021.Graduate Visiting Fellow at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2016 — 2017.
Research on dualities in quantum mechanics, [10, 11].Research on 2D sigma models [12, 13] and quasi-exactly solvable problems [14].
under the supervision of Professor Mikhail Shifman, May 2014 – March 2016.Research on calorimetry and track detection for the International Large Detector (ILD),
under the supervision of Professor Vladislav Balagura, February – June 2013.
ILC group, The Leprince-Ringuet Laboratory for Particle Physics and Astrophysics,
École Polytechnique, France.Summer Internship on Condensed Matter (Superconductivity) [15, 16, 17],
under the supervision of Professor Ken Burch, July – August 2011.
Professor Ken Burch's group, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada.Summer Internship on Condensed Matter (Atomic Force Microscopy) [18],
under the supervision of Professor Igor Sokolov, July – August 2010.
Professor Igor Sokolov's group, Department of Physics, Clarkson University,
Potsdam, USA (currently at Tufts University).
2024, W. Qian, M. Li, C.A. Salgado, MK,
"Efficient Quantum Simulation of QCD Jets on the Light Front",, C.F. Kane, S. Hariprakash, N. S. Modi, MK, С. W. Bauer,
"Block encoding by signal processing",, M. L. Rhodes, MK, S. Pathak,
"Exponential improvements in the simulation of lattice gauge theories using near-optimal techniques",, S. Hariprakash, N. S. Modi, MK, C. F. Kane, С. W. Bauer,
"Strategies for simulating time evolution of Hamiltonian lattice field theories",, C. F. Kane, N. Gomes, MK,
"Nearly-optimal state preparation for quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories",, MK, J. P. Vary, P. J. Love,
"Simulating Scattering of Composite Particles",, W.M. Kirby, S. Hadi, MK, P. J. Love,
"Quantum Simulation of Second-Quantized Hamiltonians in Compact Encoding",, MK, S. Jia, W. M. Kirby, G. Goldstein, J. P. Vary, P. J. Love,
"Light-Front Field Theory on Current Quantum Computers",, MK, S. Jia, W. M. Kirby, G. Goldstein, J. P. Vary, P. J. Love,
"Simulating Hadronic Physics on NISQ devices using Basis Light-Front Quantization",, MK, W. M. Kirby, G. Goldstein, H. Beauchemin, P. J. Love,
"Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theory in the Light-Front Formulation",, MK, T. Gulden,
"Classical and quantum duality of quasi-exactly solvable problems",, MK, T. Gulden,
"The Picard-Fuchs equation in classical and quantum physics: Application to higher-order WKB method",, MK, E, Kurianovych, M. Shifman,
"Grassmannian heterotic sigma model",, V. Bychkov, MK, E. Kurianovych,
"Strings and skyrmions on domain walls",, MK,
"A quasi-exactly solvable model: Two charges in a magnetic field subject to a non-Coulomb interaction",, P. Zareapour, A. Hayat, S.Y. Zhao, MK, Z. Xu, T. Liu, G. Gu, S. Jia, R. Cava, H.Y. Yang, Y. Ran and K. Burch,
"Andreev reflection without Fermi surface alignment in high-Tc van der Waals heterostructures",, P. Zareapour, A. Hayat, F. Zhao, MK, Yong Kiat Lee, A. Reijnders, A. Jain, Z. Xu, T. S. Liu, G. D. Gu, S. Jia, R. J. Cava, and K. Burch,
"Evidence for a new excitation at the interface between a high-Tc superconductor and a topological insulator",, P. Zareapour, A. Hayat,F. Zhao, A. Reijnders, MK, A. Jain, D. Kwok, N. Lee, S.-W., Cheong, G. Gu, and K. Burch,
"Proximity-induced high-TC superconductivity in a topological insulator",, I. Sokolov, V. Kalaparthi, MK, M. E. Dokukin,
"On averaging force curves over heterogeneous surfaces in atomic force microscopy",